Figure 8

The things that help me help others.

In today’s day many take that as an opportunity to mimic others. Because yes “we can do that too” , but it’s less about what we can do and more about what we were called to do. We all have our own assignments and our of gifts. You may be GOOD at something that someone else does but it’s good to ask yourself if that’s your gift and then follow up and ask God if that is in alignment with your assignment. It’s sooo easy to peep through a portal even if that portal is your own eyes and see  someone successful doing something you technically do too. However, we have to be very mindful of staying in alignment with what WE were summoned to do.

We live in that heavy fast food and drive through  energy and well if “you are what you eat” then it makes sense of the urge to do everything fast, and never feel full, or fulfilled.

When it comes to you do…

What is your intention?

Is it longevity?

Is it YOUR gift?

Do you even see yourself doing and being that for the long haul or are you simply swerving into someone else’s lane trying to attain the same gains to then take off and continue on a clueless path?

Most of the time a FAST way to cash , is really a fast way to crash.

It’s giving hit and run !

Like you just want a quick lick and you’re only here for the funds.

You don’t know how long this persons been on this road, doing detours and having to learn the maps. You just SEE where they are now.

The thing that helps me helps others.

It’s a simple fact of input and output. An exchange of energy ; like a “figure 8” .

What I put out , others take in and what others put out , I take in . Now this also is a matter of choice. Whom and what we choose to consume, watch and keep in our cypher.

However, our experiences and what we take in assist and influence us in what we put out.

We just have to master splinter, when it comes to being a filter.

By kicking the shit! Because holding onto it only brings and breeds forth toxicity.

By figuring out how we can cultivate the upmost parts of our experiences and express them without attaching ourselves and especially our emotions to the experience.

It’s a whole experiment and even more so a skill, But the sooner we realize that we can update things , ourselves and the people we choose in our lives… the sooner we can in turn ELEVATE our experience.

The thing that helps me helps others.

Though there are several universal things that our vessels , earth suits and vehicles need. In the  realms of essential elementals like water , sun , live foods and love. . . What others do , enjoy , desire isn’t always what is best for you.

And as we figure it all out, it’s important to be mindful and intentional about who and what we are taking in.

We love using filters to cover up , but remembering you are one as a divine channel and vessel of God can clear soul much up within you. Continue to make room and consume the likeliness of source and purge the other shit to continue to see and BE the shift.

Haha yes I just said shit , God is still working on me.

Remember that these portals ; even the portals of your vessel can alter time and timelines depending on what you allow and have mind , so it’s best to always have and be aligned with the divine.

You don’t want to ask the most high to be anyone else or so have what they have because you just might get all that you don’t see. You don’t know how people got what they have. You don’t know what people got going on beyond the phone. You don’t know why you they are doing what they do. You don’t even know some of these people.

Most of the time people simply want the thingsss they SEE or share and if things are what you desire you must reach higher , tap in to acquire, or call someone for hire.

The thing that helps me helps others.

Have you figured out your thing?

Join my mind yo business masterclass to find it, help you focus on you and to recall and reclaim your energy. It’s time to hit goldmines and be rich in all realms.


Shadow The Sharpie Shaman


Rituals & Routines