To be a medium is simply to be a median and bridge to and for many things within and beyond the spiritual realm.

While catching throw up on my chest I received this message from the Holy Spirit while my shirt literally caught and filtered the Moroccan tea and mucus from my baby, as I gently said it’s ok , good job , let it out. After having just pop a cough drop myself because the air was dry and we all are under the weather.

And no I haven’t yet rested , however muva is filled by the mighty Lord, divine love , light and wisdom from Spirit and the smiles on my babies faces as I continue to  be their safe space.

Yesterday, I was thinking about how I want to literally be as consistent as the sun and simply show up because I’m supposed to and it’s my duty to shine, which led to me think what if the sun took it’s sweet time , and thought it needed to be “perfect” to show up, I laughed and gave thanks that one I’m not the sun, but embody it and vowed that while it is up , I would show up snd shine more because it’s my duty and because I am perfect to the creator.

However, in the very moment of pulling the cold slimy shirt off of me , I realized that I already do this day and day out.

But back to being a holistic median and medium as such sometimes it’s our duty to catch more that amazing downloads and be favored , sometimes we have to catch shade, vomit, criticism, projections, lessons in order to receive and translate the message, the information, to level up in spirit, not for you but for the whole.

So many people, get gluttonous and become high off “information” that was given to be translated to people whom can or are related to us in some way.

Others take personally when we encounter or experience these very much spiritual experiences all to retreat to a safe space ie within or to self forgetting that….

 1. This situation is a very spiritual encounter manifested in the physical realm disguised as or by a person or thing.

2. Your duty as a median and medium is to filter out the negativity , the mucus and yuck of the situation, be able to see the roots of it, be discerned to know if it’s worth teaching the person whom is possessed, in distress or trying to purposely inflict stress or if you’re simply being instructed to experience this moment for more experience , as a test for a testimony or to add to your sight or site.

3. Remembering that it is your duty because you are a soldier of love in my Sade voice. We are literally on Gods frontline in the trenches , our very existence as light beings and workers are to shine through it, permeating and purifying this planet with the likeness of the one true living God.

I talk about the trick of the enemy desiring to intimidate, interrogate and initiate by  tricking, triggering , traumatizing you and plenty of other tactics within the sacred sermons, the podcast and on YT.

And though this was intended for my sacred sermon i decided to share this with the collective.

So in exchange I ask that you do with this as the Holy Spirit leads you to and utilize it. If you need further assistance feel free to book a consultation , a reflection session or join the sacred sermons for more lessons like so.

Feel free to ask me questions and if you are open to it being a sacred sermon or blog discussion even as an anonymous person to get insight while inspiring others through your experiences as a means to bless the whole , we are here.

Divine love,

Mala Esoteric fka Brea Break T


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